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ayuda cccam.cfg puertos



Usuario VIP
4 Feb 2010
Hola os comento,e conectado una segunda dream demomento se ve pero no me conecta con la web ni con cccaminfophp,en el router e habierto un puerto diferente a la primera y todo lo demás por defecto, tengo que modificar a parte del puerto algo mas en cccam.cfg.Si no es molestia ponerme un ejemplo.
Gracias y un saludo
los puertos tienes que abrirlos a la direccion interna de donde esta el deco y quizas el problema lo tienes si no lo has hecho para la direccion interna del nuevo router, lo intentas abrir en el 16001 pero no a que deco.

para poder acceder por web no necesitas abrir los puertos siempre que lo hagas desde dentro de tu red, si es desde fuera tienes que abrirlo y redirigirlo a la ip de tu deco
cuando he dicho de abrir puertos me referia fuera de la red interna de tu casa, si es dentro solo dirigirlo a la ip de tu segundo deco.

Si ves que sigues sin entrar prueba apagando el primer deco.
Apagando la primera drean sigue sin conectar.
Pongo la ip en el navegador de la segunda dream mas 16001 y nada
La cccam es la misma en las dos tan solo cambia el puerto que le tengo habierto en el router
El DDC_Test conecta sin problemas
Te queda la última opción desde mi punto de vista.

Puesto que el primer deco te funciona sin problemas, puedes hacer la última prueba y es pinchar el segundo deco donde tienes el primero y comprobar si con la ip del primero te funciona, y al reves, pinchar el deco primero (el que si te funciona) donde tienes pinchado el segundo, si te funcionan el problema ya puede ser físico, el cable rj45 que no este bien o terminal y sigue sin funcionar entonces es algo de la configuración del segundo deco.

cuéntanos que tal cuando lo hagas.

pon aqui el cccam.cfg quitando los datos relevantes que lo veamos, un saludo
Esta tal y como los descarge tan solo e modificado el puerto y pass
dime todo lo que se pueda borrar que no haga falta

# CCcam team uvadi CCcam v2.3.1
# Special greets go to all our friends all over the world, you know who you are!
# Specjalne podziekowania dla Ludzi z Polski, dzieki ktorym jest duzo nowych funkcji w wersji 2.0.0
# Ostatnim razem zapomnielismy o nich wspomniec w readme. DZieki Chlopaki!

# friends #

# connections #
# Other config settings #
# server shall listen on this port pro incoming connections
# default port is 12000, disable server with parm -s or set port 0
# server can give some info about server and client connections
# and cardinfo using telnet or webbrowser.
# Switch on/off access to info
# default is yes
# Show extended client info when showing client list
# default is yes
# The webinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
# This is switched off by default
# The telnetinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
# This is switched off by default
# default port for telnet is 16000
# default port for web is 16001
# supported commands:
# info
# activeclients
# clients
# servers
# shares
# providers
# entitlements
# example use:
# echo servers | telnet localhost 16000
# go with your browser to

# time in seconds to keep On Screen Display active.
# default is 0 (turned off)
# username used to show popup (default : root)
# password used to show popup (default : dreambox)
#OSD PASSWORD : dreambox
# port used to show popup (default : 80)
#OSD PORT : 80
# Serial reader config. Add as many as you have attached too your system
# replaces old name 'PHOENIX READER PATH', but still works.
# default is none
# optionally add readertype : phoenix,mouse,uniprog,sc8in1,smartreader+
# (when non readertype given defaults to uniprog (e.g. for mastera))
# SERIAL READER : <device> <type>
# example
#SERIAL READER : /dev/tts/0
# Serial reader smartcard write delay.
# Setting to finetune smartcard write speed, optimal setting depends on speed of system, and
# speed of card. Default value is calculated, but can overrule by setting.
# Use number of microseconds delay between bytes, 0 = no delay, -1 = calculated default
# Note: huge difference between values 0 and 1, because of schedular overhead
# SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY : <device> <delay>
# example, 10ms write delay on smartcard in reader attached to /dev/ttyUSB0
# NOTE on sc8in1; because 8 smartcards are used on the same devicename, use
# devicename_0 .. devicename_7 for settings which require devicename to make
# settings per smartcard. example /dev/ttyS0_0, /dev/ttyS0_1 ..
# example, 8ms write delay between bytes to smartcard on last sc8in1 channel, attached to /dev/tts/0
#SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY: /dev/tts/0_7 8000
# Smartcard clock speed override
# Setting override specified speed for smartcard.
# Don't add setting unless you're sure what you're doing.
# In 99% of the cases the reader selects the optimal speed.
# Adding this setting either slows your card down, or might destroy it.
# example
# if timing should be shown in OSD and debug output
# default is no (turned off)
# enables mini OSD which shows server(type), cardreader, keys or fta only
# default is no (turned off)
#MINI OSD : yes
# turns debugging on and off
# default is no (turned off)
#DEBUG : yes

# should CCcam try to read and parse newcamd.conf for server connections
# default is no (turned off)

# configure what EMM blocker you want. Add as many as readers you have attached
# default is blocking nothing
# B: /dev/sci0 01
# 00 - nothing
# 01 - sa blocked
# 02 - ua blocked
# 04 - ga blocked
# and sum of for combinations
#B: /dev/tts/0 07
#B: /dev/sci0 01
# disable all EMM readers (clientside setting)
# saves lots of CPU, but you won't get any updates anymore
# (unless you get updates from your clients)
# default: no
# control how to deal with global (ga) EMM readers (clientside setting)
# can avoid global (possibly noisy) emm being sent over the network
# shared and unique emm is not affected by this setting
# to block all emm, use DISABLE EMM setting instead
# 0 = ignore all global emm
# 1 = accept a small amount of global emm
# 2 = accept all global emm
# default: 2 (handle all global emm)
# example: seriously reduce the global emm traffic, but allow limited
# global emm when a smartcard does not work (possibly because it needs an update)
# with this setting you can
# allow a client on two hops away
# to send the updates to the cardserver
# default : no
# with this setting you can
# configure how many emm listeners are started.
# for example use 2 when recording
# and viewing different systems and both need constant updates
# default : 1
# overrule the nds boxkey (4 byte hex)
# BOXKEY: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4>
#BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 00 11 22 33
# set card pin
# * please be very careful with this option as you could lock your card *
# PIN: <device> <pin>
#PIN: /dev/sci0 1234
# overrule the irdeto camkey (8 byte hex), default 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
# CAMKEY: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> <byte7> <byte8>
#CAMKEY: /dev/sci0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
# overrule the irdeto camdata (64 byte hex)
# trailing zero bytes can be omitted
# default for unknown ASC's is 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 00 00 .. 00, known ASC's have other defaults
# CAMDATA: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> ... <byte64>
#example, when only the first 15 camdata bytes are nonzero
#CAMDATA: /dev/sci0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
# custom add id's for BEEF patched cards
# BEEF ID: <ident1> <ident2> <ident3> <ident4> <ident5> <ident6> <ident7> <ident8> <device>
#BEEF ID: 4101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /dev/sci0
# what Softcam.Key should CCcam try to read
# defaults to /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
#SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key

# what AutoRoll.Key should CCcam try to read
# defaults to /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
#AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key

# what constant.cw should CCcam try to read
# defaults to /var/keys/constant.cw
# file content can be like
# ca4:id6:sid4:pmtpid4:ecmpid4:key16(01 02 03...)
#STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw

# in this file you can configure what CAIDs CCcam should prefer or ignore
# defaults to /var/etc/CCcam.prio
# file content can have ignores (I) and prio lists (P)
# note 1: I line affects both for ecm and emm (receive no emm on ignored systems)
# P line only affects ecm choice (emm still received for all available systems, not just the priority system)
# note 2: ident 0 means 'all idents'. So 'caid:0' is the same as 'caid'.
# note 3: for some systems (e.g. nagra (caid 18xx)), the ident is not known at the time the
# prio lists are checked. In that case, matching is done on caid only, even if the P line
# defines nonzero idents. So for example '1801:401' behaves the same as '1801' in a P line
# I lines work differently, they are checked two times, once before ecm or emm is received, again
# after ecm or emm are received (and nagra ident should be known)
# P lines are only checked once, before ecm received.
# note 4: if a P line contains caid:ident pairs which are not available for the current
# channel, that P line is not used for that channel.
# Example, channel has systems 626, 1801:401 then P line with "1801,100:96,626" is ignored by that channel,
# because channel doesn't have 100:96.
# But P line with "1801" works, and also "626,1801" will work for channel
# note 5: P lines are parsed in the order in which they are found in the prio file.
# Only the first matching P line is used
# situation 1: ignore allways this caid, all idents, on all channels
# I: caid
# situation 2: ignore allways this caid/ident pair
# I: caid:ident
# situation 3: ignore this caid/ident pair, on channel 'sid'
# I: caid:ident:sid
# situation 4: when both caid1 and caid2 exist for a channel, prefer caid1 over caid2
# P: caid1, caid2
# situation 5: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for a channel, use them in order of this list.
# P: caid1:ident1, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
# situation 6: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for channel 'sid', use them in order of this list.
# Sid on first caid/ident pair identifies sid for which list is used. All other sids ignore this list.
# P: caid1:ident1:sid, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
# In this file all provider idents are defined
# The info from this file is being used in the web interface
# format:
# <caid><ident> "Provider description"
PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
# In this file all channel idents are defined
# The info from this file is being used in the web interface
# format:
# caid:ident:sid "Channel description"
CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
# write wrong logins to file
# defaults is off
#LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
# global setting for stealthy login to newcamd/newcs server, N line can overrule
# stealth modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = mgcamd new, 2 = mgcamd old, 3 = evocamd, 4 = generic
# default: 0
# load balancing between identical cards, list device names of card readers containing identical cards,
# optionally followed by a list of service id's which are to be excluded from loadbalancing
# LOADBALANCE : <device1> <device2> .. <devicen> { <exceptsid1>, <exceptsid2> .. , <exceptsidn> }
# multiple loadbalance groups can be configured, by adding multiple lines
# warning: restart is required, when loadbalance group config changes
#example 1: load balance requests for three identical cards
# LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2
#example 2: load balance requests for two almost identical cards, sid 0df3 and 0de1 are only available
#on one of the cards, so requests for these sids shouldn't be loadbalanced
# LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS5 /dev/ttyS6 { 0df3,0de1 }
# in version 1.2.1 and lower there was a problem which could lead to disconnecting clients
# in version 1.4.0 network load was significantly reduced
# in version 1.7.0 dangerous password bug was fixed
# in order to take advantage of these fixes, all clients should upgrade
# with this setting you can force that clients at least use a certain version otherwise they are denied when logging in
# default : accept all versions
#example 1: avoid disconnecting clients problem
#example 2: achieve network load decrease
#example 3: don't allow potentially wrong passwords (pre 1.7.0 has password bug)

# Irdeto smartcards: option to disable smart chid checking for irdeto smartcards.
# Default, only chids advertised by card are accepted.
# This avoids a lot of unwanted card traffic
# But if smartcard has hidden/unknown chids, all chids should be tried.
# In that case specify 'TRY ALL CHIDS' option for cardreader.
# Use with care, enabling option causes more card traffic.
# Only use setting when some channels in your subscription don't work without it.
# note: if even this setting don't help decode all channels, try using
# commandline arg -l, to disable all self-learning features (warning: slower)
#TRY ALL CHIDS : <device>
#example: card in /dev/ttyUSB0 gets ecm for all possible chids, not
#just the chids it officially supports
#TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/ttyUSB0
# perform smartcard post init commands
# POSTINIT : <device> <filename> (<autodelete>)
# send commands in 'filename' to 'device', and delete 'filename' when
# optional 'autodelete' argument nonzero
#POSTINIT : /dev/sci0 /tmp/postinit
#example /tmp/postinit contents:
# Option to override autodetected dvb api version. Restart needed.
#DVB API: <value>
# <value> -1 = no dvb, 1 = dvb api 1, 3 = dvb api 3
# WARNING: only use when autodetect fails!
#example, disable nonworking dvb hardware:
#DVB API: -1
# Option to set global share limits
#GLOBAL LIMITS: { caid:id:)downhops), caid:id:)downhops), ... }
#GLOBAL LIMITS : { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 }
# all users get no 0100:000080.
# and our 0622:000000 cards only for themself (1 hop down),
# and 0500 cards for themself plus one additional hop down.
# global limits are overridden by client specific limits (see F:)
# Option to reject shares with less than required downhops on clientside
# default: 0 (don't ignore any shares)
# ignore shares that have less than 1 'downhops' (i.e. can not be shared
# further down to other clients)
# Option to ignore all shares that go through a certain node
#IGNORE NODE: <nodeid>
#example, ignore two nodes:
#IGNORE NODE: ccd536ab515767ad
#IGNORE NODE: aad536ab515761af

# The seca handler is used to better support simulcrypt on the same ident
# With this setting you can change the behaviour of how SECA has to be used
# This setting is ignored unless SECA2/SECA3 simulcrypt is detected!!
# When disabled CCcam behaves like previous versions
# When "prefer SECA3 over SECA2" is enabled try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
# When "Ignore SECA2" is enabled, ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
# When "Ignore SECA3" is enabled, ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle
# The following settings can be used
# SECA HANDLER: <value>
# <value> : 0 = disabled, 1 = prefer SECA3 over SECA2, 2 = prefer SECA2 over SECA3, 3 = Ignore SECA2, 4 = Ignore SECA3
# default: 1
# Example try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
# Example try to use SECA2 ecm first, then SECA3
# Example to ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
# Example to ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle

# Configure limited list of accepted sids for smartcard
# When omitted, all sids are allowed.
# Can work together with LOADBALANCE configuration (sids which are not allowed will be automatically left out of the loadbalance)
# SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : <device> <maxnumberofsids> { <sid1>, <sid2>, ... <sidn> }
# <device> is the reader devicenode
# <maxnumberofsids> limits the total number of sids assigned to the card (0 = use length of sid list)
# { <sid1>..<sidn> } lists the sids that are assigned to the smartcard, when omitted, <maxnumberofsids> is used to auto assign sids
# when <maxnumberofsids> is larger than the length of the sidlist, the remainder of the sids are auto assigned, till the list reaches <maxnumberofsids>
# Check entitlement output for realtime assignment list
# WARNING: when SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN config changes, restart is required before settings take effect
#example1: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 only handles requests for sids df3, df4, df5
#SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 0 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
#example2: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 handles requests for max 5 sids, auto assigned in the order of occurance. A request for a 6th sid will be denied.
#example3: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 handles requests for max 5 sids, 3 of which are df3, df4, df5, remaining 2 are auto assigned
#SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 5 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }

# Configure list of sids which are not to be handled by smartcard
# When omitted, all sids are allowed (or SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list is allowed, if available)
# Don't use together with (fixed) SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list; use one or the other, depending on which gives the shortest list
# Can work together with dynamic SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list.
# Can work together with LOADBALANCE configuration (sids which are rejected will be automatically left out of the loadbalance)
#SMARTCARD SID REJECT: <device> { <sid1>, <sid2>, ... <sidn> }
# <device> is the reader devicenode
# { <sid1>..<sidn> } lists the sids that are to be rejected on the smartcard
#example1: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 should not handle requests for sids df3, df4, df5
#SMARTCARD SID REJECT: /dev/ttyUSB0 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
# Option to limit the number of sids active on a single smartcard within a given time period
# SID LIMIT: <device> <maxsids> <timelimit>
# example: handle max 4 different sids every 11 seconds
# SID LIMIT: /dev/sci0 4 11
# Option to overrule the number of sci devices to be opened
#SCIDEVICES: <number>
#example, don't open any sci devices
#example, force 2 devices to be opened
# When omitted, attempt to open an autodetected number of sci devices
# WARNING: restart is required before a new SCIDEVICES limit takes effect
# *Merry Christmas* from aff-board.com
En la zona que deberias haber posteado no es aqui, sino en emuladoras que para eso hay secciones especificas, aunque todo dios tienen la manía de tirar su problema en la zona del deco que posee...

En la zona de Emuladoras CCcam, hay un par de manuales muy buenos, que permiten APRENDER, pero solo si se leen... no cuentan con ciencia infusa....

Para acceder por web solo hay tres parámetros muy claramente definidos en CCcam.cfg


Con esos tres datos correctamente completados ya se puede acceder por web a la información de CCCam, y solo es necesario redirigir puertos si se accede desde una red exterior a la red de nuestra casa, todo esto con solo leer un poco.

Saludos 3usAttcK.
Última edición:
Lo e puesto aki por k me lo an pedido.
Lo siento no lo sabia.
Ya esta solucionado,ya se puede cerrar este post.
Grcias y un saludo

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