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NCam 6.6-r1 (oficial)

I plugged this into my server and it worked for 5-6 seconds, then went dark again. Why?
A ver, no hablo mucho por aquí últimamente por que sigo liado inventando e ideando cosas,

por ejemplo, ahora mismo ando liado trasteando una implementación en C que captura, cifra y reenvía. Es decir, con el objetivo de interceptar el tráfico entrante y saliente en cualquier interfaz de red, cifrarlo con AES y luego reenviarlo. Que luego se puede usar por separado o implemntar en el propio softcam sin necesidad de andar tocando nada más a nivel interno en NCam, además serviría para mucho más. Me explico....

La idea es permitir capturar el tráfico en tiempo real en cualquier interfaz de red, cifrar los datos capturados (mediante payload) con AES-256 y reenviar el tráfico cifrado a su destino original. De esta manera, INTENTAR dificultar que las operadoras bloqueen el tráfico de tu PC, teléfono, Deco, router, servidor, etc., (ya depende de donde lo uses) y nos facilita ver o descargar determinado contenido sin necesidad de usar proxies o VPN, pero estar protegidos de "marujas", llamemoslas así, que estén en todo momento intentando ver lo que haces o dejas de hacer, en el caso de NCam, pues no creo que haga falta deciros los beneficios que ello tendría, además lo podrían usar incluso para tema IPTV, aunque eso no viene ahora al cuento, la idea surgió hablando de iptv y los bloqueos de operadores.

Las técnicas de inspección profunda de paquetes (DPI) pueden intentar identificar patrones, lo sé, pero con todo esto al menos les resultará mucho más complicado, no es que sea algo 100% seguro, pero es una capa extra de anonimato y seguridad. Además, está pensado para ejecutarse en segundo plano en cualquier sistema, es decir, a nivel de filtrado de red universal, interceptar, cifrar y ofuscar en tiempo real todas las conexiones entrantes y salientes y hacerlo siempre en segundo plano, (seguramente en otros sistemas sea necesario permisos root). Independientemente de la interfaz de red, de si es TCP o UDP, sin importar el puerto ni la aplicación que lo genere, cifrando y encapsulando en tiempo real para asegurar el anonimato de las conexiones.

Los problemas que me estoy encontrando son que tengo que depender por ahora de libpcap para la captura y de libnet para la inyección del tráfico, lo cual hace que la conexión en general sea algo lenta y no me termina de convencer del todo. Aunque tampoco es un problema, depende para lo que lo terminemos usando y tengo que ver si será compatible en windows también, que la idea es que funcione en cualquier sistema.

Es una alternativa a la idea que me propusieron el otro día charlando por discord: implementar algo que permita seguir visualizando aquello que tu operadora ha bloqueado sin necesidad de usar VPN o Proxy alguno., que te dé más libertad, seguridad y privacidad a la hora de navegar, visualizar, descargar, compartir, etc... La idea inicial era otra, pero luego dándole mil vueltas al coco, me di cuenta de que eso no serviría de nada puesto que podrían volver a bloquear del mismo modo o en su defecto detectar el tráfico final. Así que decidí intentar ocultar el tráfico sin necesidad de recurrir a una VPN o un proxy, ya que para los que estamos puestos no es un problema, pero dile por ejemplo a tu tío o abuelo, de 70 años o más, que tiene que usar un proxi o una vpn para hacer tal o pascual y espera a que te conteste, a ver que te dice.

La tecnología crece y avanza a pasos agigantados, si ya a nosotros nos cuesta en ocasiones el no perdernos con tantos avances, ni el quedarnos atrás, imaginate nuestros mayores los pobres, que andan más perdíos que una diez once. ¿Será posible lograrlo? Pues en ello andamos. Estas cosas quitan tiempo y no siempre terminan cuajando, que no es la primera ni la última, pero si no se intenta, no se consigue nada.

Todo esto es con fines de investigación y estudio. Si funciona y termina siendo óptimo, lo compartiré por aquí mismo con el foro como hago siempre, si no llega a nada pues se quedará en un trasteo más y tiempo perdido.

Un saludo
I plugged this into my server and it worked for 5-6 seconds, then went dark again. Why?

Did it work for just 5 or 6 seconds and then stop? We would need to see the configuration you're using, the complete log, and more details, the reasons could be numerous. It could even be something as simple as ports not allowing a persistent connection, or a network level block on your router or by your service provider.
Did it work for just 5 or 6 seconds and then stop? We would need to see the configuration you're using, the complete log, and more details, the reasons could be numerous. It could even be something as simple as ports not allowing a persistent connection, or a network level block on your router or by your service provider.

# ncam.conf generated automatically by NCAM 1.9
# Read more: https://www.lonasdigital.com

logfile = /dev/null
maxecmtime = 0
maxecmtimenotfound = 0
fallbacktimeout = 1500
waitforcards_extra_delay = 700
preferlocalcards = 1
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
lb_min_ecmcount = 5
lb_force_reopen_always = 1
lb_max_readers = 1
lb_savepath = /tmp/stats
disablecrccws_only_for = 0500:030B00,032830

ac_enabled = 1
aclogfile = /tmp/ncam_ac.log

max_time = 8
csp_port = 20090
csp_serverip =

port = 50001@1810:000000,004001,004101;50002@0100:004106,004108,005001;50003@0100:003311,003315,003317;50004@0000:003311
allowed =
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

port = 15020
nodeid = C4FA0C95424B3692
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
reshare_mode = 1
updateinterval = 30
recv_timeout = 3000

stream_relay_enabled = 0

dvbapi_enabled = 1
pmt_mode = 0
request_mode = 1
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = visor
read_sdt = 2
write_sdt_prov = 1
extended_cw_api = 1

httpport = 8181
httpuser = root
httppwd = root
httplocale = en_EN
httphideidleclients = 0
httpallowed =,
httputf8 = 0
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) Host name = mca
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) Release =
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) Version = #2125 Mon Apr 16 15:55:32 CEST 2012
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv5tejl
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.ncam/ncam.pid with pid 1042
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 9 services loaded, rejected 0
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (emu) NCam-Emu version 999
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2024-10-29 22:27:37 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
2024-10-29 22:27:38 00000000 s (config) 1396 provid's loaded
2024-10-29 22:27:39 00000000 s (config) 619 service-id's loaded in 1199 ms
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00000000000000000000000000000001 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0000000000010000096300000000D300 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00010000050004240000D300002DD309 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00010000050004240000D3000032E623 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00010000050004240000D3000037D313 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00010000050004240000D300005D68C2 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00010000050004240000D30000BE1F56 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 00315132212677F660398572F97ADDD2 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 009482B73543CD2E7F5D83574457B455 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F10 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 01020304050607080910111213141516 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 013F0000000022552BA22B235AA814DB because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0237B6CBFEEE3B02C3F5498D8233E4C8 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0273E6B68D426A292C7BCD3F3883CC63 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 02C400000000AA9B96DBC3F98945BACC because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:40 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 03E631220E5A51B5E9DE1F4ABEDB86B1 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 060F158BC013BD89E537C5E49EAF240A because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 06C8532EB54C38D280ACAA54F5B1DF52 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0731A819711AD0F2094AB7A1510B22B3 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 07E4000006227F38C980B38A47841BBA because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 07EF000001009EBEC925AA5652527B29 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 08C0B814EEF5C396E8DB18EE92006D8E because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0913072341849B6012B78E57F866AFFD because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 09370AE47FC382DF63C721F9AE7347C3 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0B000000002E3DA10C9B512A16090200 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 0D1527941AAC2A6483FB4F12BC30BA2C because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 101D24F2167F962B122983BE3A80F0AA because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 10CF00000D00445321B83CE3FA19EF08 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 1591105EEE98F5BDB6A6D342B4344705 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 15B1C08AE88CCAC6D69EC1FCB81EE0F7 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 18F1AC6A392C4AFD02BAB588468ACFF6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 1A18338A058110060100070000000001 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:41 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 1BC2E5F52A0F068777C1FE767E29C626 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 1CB69756897A40B38377BD3DC917BEB6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 1FBE000000000000000000000000C830 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 20F341FF9C6950C38C8A5F9406A60681 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 20F500000500193788D8AC8F86C11F99 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 20FA0000050017380756BD0421E2ED14 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 21450000010098436A4572AA2D49AE29 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:42 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 246E00000100041DF11246CA90A0750C because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2734F4D6AB9EA22A080937BA3F6D9246 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2AB10000000089C2DF2AE05A1D570000 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2AB1000009CD8BC5DB2B576A2CED0000 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2B0F000000000000000000000000EEE0 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2B630000000000000000000000001884 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2C680000000080D55BB05DADA1AB0000 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2D986FF848EEB947A2B67BF070C56F0B because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2DB07AD6F64982BC121C3EA7A002DBAE because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2DC6000000003B86D7989E16D78B0000 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2DCA000000000000000000000000FFE0 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2DE272C7815C8A652E6A8AC93DB808F2 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:43 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 2F6C95466CB00873784CCDD2E089F7CE because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 31667E8E18E385E32E8D1ED6C701AEBF because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 32F2792E5E890BB700C95A2B3F039930 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 332D00000100EF25D5E9ECE1A06D5072 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 33C4DCFA9A0EB00AEEE628EB32F00322 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 342979D6572837B62A9FE6AFC1DECA99 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 38C0FB29DD5FE76B1B14A32B9104A402 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 39DDAEC44D95E023851CBF2B13C17688 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 3A9A37D501D45093A08A8CF9CA96864D because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 3B1B53EF8EA8FC2789D6F6E5F0B722A9 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 3BCC0000000000000000000000003AB7 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 3D22CD26EDCA3B6DCC3D4DD8275CE1C3 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 3D5D5CDBD679483D0D5417D6D8A33D43 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 3F696ABCBAA133D734B64B3C8D9EB275 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:44 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 4388E8935F7E441480CB8DC488FA0F77 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 4E310F1D983AC5CCAD2DBE7091D5F38F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 4EF3A04176C2DFD545967429429C41B5 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 519C01B2FEACEF7CBFC910D3510DF58F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 56A4121E6D4F982CE9F71E9F42896BB3 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 58EF4957485C457845DB13E96791729D because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 59B3945CA01E64634244CFAEB46C4666 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 5A86F71DF3C3D09F18A10447491C04FC because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 5B9AFD02A0FD704796B8C7C4318DF7F7 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 5D33AB3B83CF72C457B627343D5D630D because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 5F908F7E18EF8D9426BC09EBEF374298 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 601C3F891CF872B43CB0FBAB451CB5D3 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 604B298CAC3C946AAFA281E087F1A42B because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 60D5D32395C8750476DAEEC7E393B16B because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 61515B723B61DA8B86BB314DD94E7092 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 61F04E1EF0BB9C4208C244A7A4FB0600 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 62D181E1E0F552EE5B3D96C28EB27771 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:45 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 62FAF2C04BF58D4ED6304F774F0E2C2F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 64A4917D9BC9EFCBA001F9F2F1BA999D because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 65A8CE2F85FF55EC1200D6D4DA85AAF0 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 67E08D00F7DB1ADE6AC9C1244659C3CD because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 68796CEC39D371AD4369DD76A9405646 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 68A8324257716A32FB88F87B880A383A because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 692418A50854227E0BB0D38EE71F29DF because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 6A36BB1E7FABB12BEAB7E251601BA1DA because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 6AF01A2FA36236EB05C713ECA74E955A because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 6AF400D9601A0C27DCF20614010BC4B1 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 6D19C64C5141B749421FF45581E25144 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 73C4E3400CA830AE6FA5289AEB553AD7 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 7410CC65632F58C418D70A8EE5183FF1 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 74AC65858E68C9BF81BCB7F46EF1208F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 74E7CDE3945DD1E0B8C494945B3A5EC5 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 75B9103E73435A10641F7E01F4E8C854 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 75BE82B5FF9C8823820BD76495C26D34 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 7673AE27AD7043F99A880B9254F9B11E because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 772D9BD3C6F44736DE5DDEB6EEA8F463 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 790187702A0F4348A12ABF1F43CAFA1F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 7B31962A460789B8C8E92F364285B42C because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 7C3AFFB556951702D3A972EE29646401 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 7FB4E6E9150532BB30482FC0B5191905 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 828EAB5C8AB754A4FE9DC997FD2F427D because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 856F112EBC976C5354D31580D881A87E because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 861A0EAE517716DED10DB18FAD9C4F68 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 88A392096CA75E13C7E51FC2B4D39049 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 8C9384D145192F650000000005000104 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 8CFDE294028016060100070000000059 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 904BEAA9043D21EF40B350CC828E5359 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 907623FBBDF2F9EAE6115D9344775769 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 923C89544CD21BFC9B96A6AE4972DECF because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 931A5B08E40E0CFEC22D0CFB386DC297 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 96ABD31417CECDB20E314483BAF50847 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 96C49464034CCA6C6BB71800801CB1B6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 97E978C616E9F18A1A86FB58A89F9F91 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 999C95CA44E5CBF40E960E9641E50E00B3C1 because of wrong length (36 != 32)!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 9A92698BFF88F8E4A4A6CAA561A40495 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 9BD8E703C5C3466D1706E6EA8FDCF0D6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 9C29B52C527B15F464DB6A8ABDAA1F5B because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 9C3943BA101696E99BE16CF2585FEB72 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 9D2184426BCE1A53F796D865B3AFC8DA because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw 9DBC67C03D9D04DE3411569B93AF7F31 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw A11FB379F14850C390C2B05DCC775930 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw A30C9140558B7F5F029E7515544B77E6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw A3B140A4690336F45F4103B6980868D1 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw A40A12C012A5E39A93897793491BE6BA because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw A915FE632CC6D7384B9018B1308123DC because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B0FF5BF70E2E23F7588978B2B80C8389 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B1F101065951C505F91E01DEDC270A76 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B4F6F3C86AB52163083364F520C194EC because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B52CCD8E888DC2694EDE06C035E33578 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B649676B1EF080130000000003000003 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B6A7E5426E9EB0BC310EC80701F84DB6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B6CCED4094383BC368F05BC84AAE04E8 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw B7CD9797D6775DFDB49AE584C5D1B1D5 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw BBC63C965B964655BF080B80387880DE because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw BD5F3C5A7729D37D4A07D3A9A67E1072 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw BDA66EBFBAA65578DE9C4E97E55F4D56 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw BEAF45B2249ACB89913CD4A121B60128 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw C66D8EFE99433E73126D5FDBA2FABB58 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw C687A536F3F41C8C1812E901766CF5BC because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw C79471025B1CC33375A6E8F9810DD42E because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw C81552241CACFA2F3520A9C780D8877E because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw C8EA3970FBC899AE918CB09803C0F2DF because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw CEBF665FD552121C9834682047561570 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw D30EF6D719E84D4E2BB5B494798E2FC6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw D3EB0323668CB19B2D039AEF025BDC4F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw D4121A7F132B3C0CF9FB7919376DB514 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw D59F407B49D9C68407705F0EF754CD1D because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw D72F9F8BE678537A97C80347AE2597DC because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:46 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw D92ECE67705A93DE479AD2235DDC5AA3 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw DB5DD43A8C6C9C6C0D4AC3E1941DA507 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw DF2496462C8443A10D58B3F1EFC2814B because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw E0B3A319174A5A102033B406CA7A4171 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw E17AA2124FB718010000010000000047 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw E5CC704BDDA50EE31ED8A29345A9817E because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw E60C9A8C1C547FEF6F287108441A7624 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw E6D6CB155B1A1BAF4F6B2B4736DB6E56 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw EA46BC35A2A3742DC28D4FEEB538E666 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw ECEA2B54F982CF070100080000000055 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw ED5F69CF95DE870FA727B5668AD45C14 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F0739AB92D220A8EFE39897C82B3E0C2 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F1E20203D31723428BB6B4916942B1F6 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F2256956A34DF6206A6016C2B259A24A because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F26C4DA4525C2C451045CECABEB69AD4 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F4E893C8F9C1438D311BDA447CD3A69F because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F50D3537DFC916BEC11BC19D0FA688CD because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F7B57521EF34E70AE1A09E1FF8CD46FB because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F898793EF5E1DC94510894A1E487017A because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw F8CD9F9C3D3EAF21CAA0B64DC36CCB09 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw FAA98A90C167E2B7C02787A4FB4A0842 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw FC2C14235BA6F7C7B5608B01E53DF461 because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:47 00000000 s (config) skipping fake cw FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF because of wrong checksum!
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (config) 18556 fakecws's loaded
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (config) max 112 fakecw compares required, on average: 72 compares
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=12, port=50001)
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=13, port=50002)
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
2024-10-29 22:27:52 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=14, port=50003)
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=15, port=50004)
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0000 PROVID: 003311
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=16, port=15020)
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (net) csp: initialized (fd=17, port=20090, ip=
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (reader) newcamd [cccam] creating thread for device xxx.xxxxx.xxx
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (reader) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] creating thread for device t2.cccambird.com
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (stat) loadbalancer: could not open /tmp/stats for reading (errno=2 No such file or directory)
2024-10-29 22:27:53 00000000 s (main) waiting for local card init
2024-10-29 22:27:54 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
2024-10-29 22:27:54 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading log initialized
2024-10-29 22:27:54 34D2B015 c (client) plain dvbapi-client granted (visor, au=off)
2024-10-29 22:27:54 55959F5D p (reader) t2.cccambird.com: resolved ip=
2024-10-29 22:27:54 55959F5D p (reader) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] connecting to t2.cccambird.com:12861
2024-10-29 22:27:54 0D273B47 h (webif) webif: decompressed 196724 bytes back into 448984 bytes
2024-10-29 22:27:54 0D273B47 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8181
2024-10-29 22:27:54 2FBD8F0D p (reader) xxx.xxxxx.xxx: resolved ip=
2024-10-29 22:27:54 2FBD8F0D p (reader) newcamd [cccam] connecting to xxx.xxxxx.xxx:00000
2024-10-29 22:27:54 55959F5D p (reader) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] proxy initialized, server xxx.xxxxx.xxx:00000
2024-10-29 22:27:54 2FBD8F0D p (reader) newcamd [cccam] proxy initialized, server xxx.xxxxx.xxx:00000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 0 CAID: 0100 ECM_PID: 0AFC PROVID: 000068 PBM: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF DATE: 8-8-2014
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 1 CAID: 1813 ECM_PID: 0AFC PROVID: 000068
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 2 CAID: 1884 ECM_PID: 0B60 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 3 CAID: 0B01 ECM_PID: 0CF0 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 4 CAID: 0500 ECM_PID: 0D54 PROVID: 032A00
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 5 CAID: 1803 ECM_PID: 12CC PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 6 CAID: 1861 ECM_PID: 12FE PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 7 CAID: 186C ECM_PID: 1330 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 8 CAID: 06ED ECM_PID: 0EE4 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 ecmpid 9 CAID: 1870 ECM_PID: 0F48 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 found 10 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in caPMT
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 5 CAID 1803 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 12CC ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 3 CAID 0B01 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 0CF0 ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 0100 PROVID 000068 ECMPID 0AFC ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 1813 PROVID 000068 ECMPID 0AFC ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 2 CAID 1884 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 0B60 ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 6 CAID 1861 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 12FE ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 7 CAID 186C PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1330 ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:30:36 34D2B015 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 9 CAID 1870 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 0F48 ANY CHID PMTPID 0000 VPID 00AB
2024-10-29 22:32:39 34D2B015 c (dvbmca) ignoring caid: 1884, waiting for 1870
2024-10-29 22:32:39 34D2B015 c (dvbmca) ignoring caid: 1861, waiting for 1870
2024-10-29 22:32:39 34D2B015 c (dvbmca) ignoring caid: 0B01, waiting for 1870
2024-10-29 22:32:39 34D2B015 c (dvbmca) ignoring caid: 1861, waiting for 1870
2024-10-29 22:32:40 34D2B015 c (-) -- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines --
2024-10-29 22:32:40 34D2B015 c (dvbmca) ignoring caid: 186C, waiting for 1870
# ncam.conf generated automatically by NCAM 1.9
# Read more: https://www.lonasdigital.com

logfile = /dev/null
maxecmtime = 0
maxecmtimenotfound = 0
fallbacktimeout = 1500
waitforcards_extra_delay = 700
preferlocalcards = 1
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
lb_min_ecmcount = 5
lb_force_reopen_always = 1
lb_max_readers = 1
lb_savepath = /tmp/stats
disablecrccws_only_for = 0500:030B00,032830

ac_enabled = 1
aclogfile = /tmp/ncam_ac.log

max_time = 8
csp_port = 20090
csp_serverip =

port = 50001@1810:000000,004001,004101;50002@0100:004106,004108,005001;50003@0100:003311,003315,003317;50004@0000:003311
allowed =
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

port = 15020
nodeid = C4FA0C95424B3692
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
reshare_mode = 1
updateinterval = 30
recv_timeout = 3000

stream_relay_enabled = 0

dvbapi_enabled = 1
pmt_mode = 0
request_mode = 1
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = visor
read_sdt = 2
write_sdt_prov = 1
extended_cw_api = 1

httpport = 8181
httpuser = root
httppwd = root
httplocale = en_EN
httphideidleclients = 0
httpallowed =,
httputf8 = 0

But bro, why aren't you using the latest version of NCam first? That version is from 2012, man! A lot has changed since then.
By the way, you've left the host and some IPs visible in the log. I didn’t quote your following message so you can edit it without it staying in the quote.
But bro, why aren't you using the latest version of NCam first? That version is from 2012, man! A lot has changed since then.
By the way, you've left the host and some IPs visible in the log. I didn’t quote your following message so you can edit it without it staying in the quote.

This is the only one I found for mca. Could you tell me where I can find the last one for mca?

Ho installato la nuova versione, ma è ancora buio,not work,

  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) Nome del sistema = Linux
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) Nome host = mca
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) Rilascio =
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) Versione = #2125 Lun 16 aprile 15:55:32 CEST 2012
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) Macchina = armv5tejl
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) creando pidfile /tmp/.ncam/ncam.pid con pid 1174
  • 29/10/2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (config) servizi ricaricati: 0 servizi liberati, 37 servizi caricati, rifiutati 0
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (config) ncam.ks legge le righe: K:0
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (emu) NCam-Emu versione 999
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (config) userdb ricaricato: 14 account caricati, 0 scaduti, 7 disabilitati
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (principale) gestione del segnale inizializzata
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:34 00000000 s (config) 1396 forniti caricati
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:35 00000000 s (config) 2638 ID servizio caricati in 594 ms
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:35 00000000 s (config) ATTENZIONE: si rischia un carico elevato della CPU e tempi ECM elevati con più di 2000 ID di servizio!
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (config) 20046 fakecws caricati
  • 29/10/2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (config) max 24576 confronti fakecw richiesti, in media: 77 confronti
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) cs357x: inizializzato (fd=13, porta=20083, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) cs378x: inizializzato (fd=14, porta=20093, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) cs378x: inizializzato (fd=15, porta=20094, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=16, porta=10000, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: FFFFFF
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=17, porta=10001, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0200 PROVID: FFF000, FFFF00
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=18, porta=10002, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0300 PROVID: FFFFFF
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=19, porta=50001, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=20, porta=50002, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=21, porta=50003, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=22, porta=50004, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1811 PROVID: 000000, 003600, 003315, 003311
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=23, porta=50005, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0500 PROVID: 000000, 032820, 032830, 030B00, 032840, 032900, 032910, 032920, 032930, 294 0, 032950, 041820, 041900, 042400, 043330, 040F40
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=24, porta=50011, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=25, porta=50012, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1830 PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=26, porta=50013, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098C PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=27, porta=50014, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098D PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=28, porta=50015, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1863 PROVID: 000000, 003342, 003343
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=29, porta=50016, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1883 PROVID: 000000, 003311, 003315, 003317, 003342
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=30, porta=20000, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: FFFFFF
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=31, porta=20001, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0200 PROVID: FFF000, FFFF00
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=32, porta=20002, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0300 PROVID: FFFFFF
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=33, porta=40188, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:40 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=34, porta=40189, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=35, porta=40003, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=36, porta=40004, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1811 PROVID: 000000, 003600, 003315, 003311
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=37, porta=40005, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0500 PROVID: 000000, 032820, 032830, 030B00, 032840, 032900, 032910, 032920, 032930, 294 0, 032950, 041820, 041900, 042400, 043330, 040F40
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=38, porta=40011, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=39, porta=40012, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1830 PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=40, porta=40013, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098C PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=41, porta=40014, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098D PROVID: 000000
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=42, porta=40015, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1863 PROVID: 000000, 003342, 003343
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=43, porta=40016, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1883 PROVID: 000000, 003311, 003315, 003317, 003342
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) cccam: inizializzato (fd=44, porta=15020, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) cccam: inizializzato (fd=45, porta=15021, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) cccam: inizializzato (fd=46, porta=15022, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) csp: inizializzato (fd=47, porta=20091, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (net) radegast: inizializzato (fd=48, porta=20075, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (rete) truffa: inizializzata (fd=49, porta=20074, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (lettore) cccam_reader [cccam] creazione del thread per il dispositivo dns.choosewise.xyz
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (lettore) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] creazione del thread per il dispositivo t2.cccambird.com
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 s (lettore) emulatore [emu] creazione del thread per l'emulatore del dispositivo
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 13324BDE r (emu) Ritardatore chiave flusso inizializzato
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 00000000 (emu) INFO: modalità parallela FFDecsa = 32
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 0A93F26B h (webif) webif: decompresso 212188 byte in 494992 byte
  • 2024-10-29 23:41:41 00000000 s (principale) in attesa dell'inizializzazione della scheda locale
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 13324BDE r (emu) Server di inoltro del flusso inizializzato
  • 29/10/2024 23:41:41 13324BDE emulatore r (lettore) [emu] Lettore inizializzato (dispositivo=emulatore, rilevamento=cd, mhz=357, schedamhz=357)
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 0A93F26B h (webif) Server HTTP in esecuzione. ip= porta=8181
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 0CA4BE1A p (lettore) xx.xxx.xxx.xxx: risolto ip=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 0CA4BE1A p (lettore) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] connessione a t2.cccambird.com:12861
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 7F25F3B2 p (lettore) xx.xxx.xxx.xxx: risolto ip=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 7F25F3B2 p (lettore) cccam_reader [cccam] connessione a xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 7F25F3B2 p (lettore) cccam_reader [cccam] proxy inizializzato, server xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:41 0CA4BE1A p (lettore) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] proxy inizializzato, serverxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • 29/10/2024 23:41:42 Rilevata scheda emulatore [emu] 13324BDE r (lettore)
  • 29/10/2024 23:41:43 13324BDE emulatore r (lettore) [emu] sistema di carte trovate emu
  • 29/10/2024 23:41:43 13324BDE emulatore r (lettore) [emu] QUESTO È STATO UN TENTATIVO DI AVVIO RIUSCITO N. 1 sul massimo assegnato di 1
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) File chiave non trovato in: /var/mca/d1
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/keys
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/keys
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/keys
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/config/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/tuxbox/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/tuxbox/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/keys
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/tuxbox/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/config/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/ncam/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/etc/ncam/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/etc/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/etc
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/tuxbox/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/tuxbox/config/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/tuxbox/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/ncam/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /tuxbox/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /tuxbox/config/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /tuxbox/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /ncam/config
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /ncam/tuxbox
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /ncam/tuxbox/config/ncam
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) File chiave non trovato in: /etc
  • 2024-10-29 23:41:43 13324BDE r (emu) Chiavi totali in memoria: W:0 V:0 N:0 I:0 S:0 F:0 G:0 P:0 D:0 T:0 R:0
  • 2024-10-29 23:41:43 00000000 s (principale) init per tutte le carte locali eseguito
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 00000000 s (emmcache) caricati 0 record emmcache da /var/mca/d1/ncam.emmcache in 0 ms
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 00000000 s (emmcache) caricati 0 record emmstat da /var/mca/d1/ncam.emmstat in 0 ms
  • 2024-10-29 23:41:43 00000000 s (anticasc) registro anti cascading inizializzato
  • 29-10-2024 23:41:43 7453EB85 c (client) client dvbapi semplice concesso (visualizzatore, au=auto (3 lettori))
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Key file not found in: /var/mca/d1
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/etc/ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/etc/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/etc
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/tuxbox/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/tuxbox/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /tuxbox/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /tuxbox/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /ncam/tuxbox
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /ncam/tuxbox/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Key file not found in: /etc
Ho installato la nuova versione, ma è ancora buio,not work,

  • Code:
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) Nome del sistema = Linux
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) Nome host = mca
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) Rilascio =
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) Versione = #2125 Lun 16 aprile 1532 CEST 2012
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) Macchina = armv5tejl
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) creando pidfile /tmp/.ncam/ncam.pid con pid 1174
    29/10/2024 2334 00000000 s (config) servizi ricaricati: 0 servizi liberati, 37 servizi caricati, rifiutati 0
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (config) ncam.ks legge le righe: K:0
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (emu) NCam-Emu versione 999
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (config) userdb ricaricato: 14 account caricati, 0 scaduti, 7 disabilitati
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (principale) gestione del segnale inizializzata
    29-10-2024 2334 00000000 s (config) 1396 forniti caricati
    29-10-2024 2335 00000000 s (config) 2638 ID servizio caricati in 594 ms
    29-10-2024 2335 00000000 s (config) ATTENZIONE: si rischia un carico elevato della CPU e tempi ECM elevati con più di 2000 ID di servizio!
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (config) 20046 fakecws caricati
    29/10/2024 2340 00000000 s (config) max 24576 confronti fakecw richiesti, in media: 77 confronti
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) cs357x: inizializzato (fd=13, porta=20083, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) cs378x: inizializzato (fd=14, porta=20093, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) cs378x: inizializzato (fd=15, porta=20094, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=16, porta=10000, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: FFFFFF
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=17, porta=10001, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0200 PROVID: FFF000, FFFF00
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=18, porta=10002, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0300 PROVID: FFFFFF
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=19, porta=50001, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=20, porta=50002, ip=xxx.x.x.x, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=21, porta=50003, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=22, porta=50004, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1811 PROVID: 000000, 003600, 003315, 003311
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=23, porta=50005, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0500 PROVID: 000000, 032820, 032830, 030B00, 032840, 032900, 032910, 032920, 032930, 294 0, 032950, 041820, 041900, 042400, 043330, 040F40
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=24, porta=50011, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=25, porta=50012, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1830 PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=26, porta=50013, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098C PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=27, porta=50014, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098D PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=28, porta=50015, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1863 PROVID: 000000, 003342, 003343
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) newcamd: inizializzato (fd=29, porta=50016, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1883 PROVID: 000000, 003311, 003315, 003317, 003342
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=30, porta=20000, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: FFFFFF
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=31, porta=20001, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0200 PROVID: FFF000, FFFF00
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=32, porta=20002, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0300 PROVID: FFFFFF
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=33, porta=40188, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
    29-10-2024 2340 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=34, porta=40189, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=35, porta=40003, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=36, porta=40004, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1811 PROVID: 000000, 003600, 003315, 003311
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=37, porta=40005, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 0500 PROVID: 000000, 032820, 032830, 030B00, 032840, 032900, 032910, 032920, 032930, 294 0, 032950, 041820, 041900, 042400, 043330, 040F40
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=38, porta=40011, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=39, porta=40012, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1830 PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=40, porta=40013, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098C PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=41, porta=40014, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 098D PROVID: 000000
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=42, porta=40015, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1863 PROVID: 000000, 003342, 003343
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) kscamd: inizializzato (fd=43, porta=40016, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (netto) -> CAID: 1883 PROVID: 000000, 003311, 003315, 003317, 003342
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) cccam: inizializzato (fd=44, porta=15020, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) cccam: inizializzato (fd=45, porta=15021, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) cccam: inizializzato (fd=46, porta=15022, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) csp: inizializzato (fd=47, porta=20091, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (net) radegast: inizializzato (fd=48, porta=20075, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (rete) truffa: inizializzata (fd=49, porta=20074, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (lettore) cccam_reader [cccam] creazione del thread per il dispositivo dns.choosewise.xyz
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (lettore) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] creazione del thread per il dispositivo t2.cccambird.com
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 s (lettore) emulatore [emu] creazione del thread per l'emulatore del dispositivo
    29-10-2024 2341 13324BDE r (emu) Ritardatore chiave flusso inizializzato
    29-10-2024 2341 00000000 (emu) INFO: modalità parallela FFDecsa = 32
    29-10-2024 2341 0A93F26B h (webif) webif: decompresso 212188 byte in 494992 byte
    2024-10-29 2341 00000000 s (principale) in attesa dell'inizializzazione della scheda locale
    29-10-2024 2341 13324BDE r (emu) Server di inoltro del flusso inizializzato
    29/10/2024 2341 13324BDE emulatore r (lettore) [emu] Lettore inizializzato (dispositivo=emulatore, rilevamento=cd, mhz=357, schedamhz=357)
    29-10-2024 2341 0A93F26B h (webif) Server HTTP in esecuzione. ip= porta=8181
    29-10-2024 2341 0CA4BE1A p (lettore) xx.xxx.xxx.xxx: risolto ip=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    29-10-2024 2341 0CA4BE1A p (lettore) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] connessione a t2.cccambird.com:12861
    29-10-2024 2341 7F25F3B2 p (lettore) xx.xxx.xxx.xxx: risolto ip=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    29-10-2024 2341 7F25F3B2 p (lettore) cccam_reader [cccam] connessione a xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    29-10-2024 2341 7F25F3B2 p (lettore) cccam_reader [cccam] proxy inizializzato, server xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    29-10-2024 2341 0CA4BE1A p (lettore) CCcamBird_Test [cccam] proxy inizializzato, serverxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    29/10/2024 2342 Rilevata scheda emulatore [emu] 13324BDE r (lettore)
    29/10/2024 2343 13324BDE emulatore r (lettore) [emu] sistema di carte trovate emu
    29/10/2024 2343 13324BDE emulatore r (lettore) [emu] QUESTO È STATO UN TENTATIVO DI AVVIO RIUSCITO N. 1 sul massimo assegnato di 1
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) File chiave non trovato in: /var/mca/d1
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/keys
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/keys
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/keys
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/config/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/tuxbox/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/tuxbox/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /usr/local/keys
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/tuxbox/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/config/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/ncam/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/etc/ncam/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/etc/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /var/etc
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/tuxbox/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/tuxbox/config/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/tuxbox/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /etc/ncam/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /tuxbox/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /tuxbox/config/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /tuxbox/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /ncam/config
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /ncam/tuxbox
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Impossibile aprire il percorso del file della chiave: /ncam/tuxbox/config/ncam
    29-10-2024 2343 13324BDE r (emu) File chiave non trovato in: /etc
    2024-10-29 2343 13324BDE r (emu) Chiavi totali in memoria: W:0 V:0 N:0 I:0 S:0 F:0 G:0 P:0 D:0 T:0 R:0
    2024-10-29 2343 00000000 s (principale) init per tutte le carte locali eseguito
    29-10-2024 2343 00000000 s (emmcache) caricati 0 record emmcache da /var/mca/d1/ncam.emmcache in 0 ms
    29-10-2024 2343 00000000 s (emmcache) caricati 0 record emmstat da /var/mca/d1/ncam.emmstat in 0 ms
    2024-10-29 2343 00000000 s (anticasc) registro anti cascading inizializzato
    29-10-2024 2343 7453EB85 c (client) client dvbapi semplice concesso (visualizzatore, au=auto (3 lettori))

Yo lo que veo aquí es que no tienes nada configurado bro, estás intentando hacer andar incluso el emulador sin tener un archivo de keys en ninguno de los directorios que te requiere, por otro lado, veo que estás intentando usar líneas free que igual no tienen "flores" para lo que intentas visualizar. No veo ni un solo 'NOT FOUND' ni nada.


What I see here is that you don't have anything configured, bro. You’re trying to run even the emulator without having a keys file in any of the required directories. Also, I see you’re trying to use free lines that probably don’t have the "flowers" for what you’re trying to view. I don’t see a single ‘NOT FOUND’ or anything.
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Key file not found in: /var/mca/d1
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /usr/local/keys
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/etc/ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/etc/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /var/etc
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/tuxbox/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/tuxbox/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /etc/ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /tuxbox/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /tuxbox/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /tuxbox/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /ncam/config
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /ncam/tuxbox
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Cannot open key file path: /ncam/tuxbox/config/ncam
2024-10-30 16:18:10 5B1EA3A9 r (emu) Key file not found in: /etc

Para solucionar eso, tienes que poner un archivo Softcam.key válido para NCam oficial en cualquiera de esas rutas, normalmente en el mismo directorio donde tengas puesto el resto de config.

To fix that, you need to place a valid Softcam.key file for official NCam in any of those directories, usually in the same directory where you have the rest of the config files.
Yo lo que veo aquí es que no tienes nada configurado bro, estás intentando hacer andar incluso el emulador sin tener un archivo de keys en ninguno de los directorios que te requiere, por otro lado, veo que estás intentando usar líneas free que igual no tienen "flores" para lo que intentas visualizar. No veo ni un solo 'NOT FOUND' ni nada.


What I see here is that you don't have anything configured, bro. You’re trying to run even the emulator without having a keys file in any of the required directories. Also, I see you’re trying to use free lines that probably don’t have the "flowers" for what you’re trying to view. I don’t see a single ‘NOT FOUND’ or anything.

I inserted a test line to understand if the problem was the cline. Now I really don't know what to do. Could you tell me where I can find the correct configurations and the valid softcam.key? I'm not an expert
I inserted a test line to understand if the problem was the cline. Now I really don't know what to do. Could you tell me where I can find the correct configurations and the valid softcam.key? I'm not an expert

You have to put the softcam in tuxbox/config and put this in the Ncam readers configuration:

label = SoftCam
protocol = emu
device = /etc/tuxbox/config
caid = 0D00,0D02,090F,0500,1801,0604,2600,FFFF,0E00,4AE1,1010,06AD
detect = cd
ident = 0D00:000000,000004,000010,000014,000020,0000C0,0000C4,0000C8,0000CC;0D02:000000,00008C,0000A0,0000A4,0000A8;090F:000000;0500:000000,030B00,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000000,007301,001101;0604:000000;2600:000000,000001;FFFF:000000;0E00:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE;1010:000000
group = 2
emu_auproviders = 0604:010200;0E00:000000;1010:000000;2610:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE
emu_datecodedenabled = 1

You have to put your TEST line in Ncam.server where the softcam line also goes

label= Name of TEST line
device= IP OF TEST line, PORT
user= USER of TEST line
password= PASSWORD of TEST line

I dont speak inglish , I using google translator

And her the Ncam config ,


Last edited:
Doesn’t work, s**t!!!!! :€

2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) Host name = mca
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) Release =
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) Version = #2125 Mon Apr 16 15:55:32 CEST 2012
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) Machine = armv5tejl
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) creating pidfile /tmp/.ncam/ncam.pid with pid 1042
2024-10-30 23:49:26 00000000 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 37 services loaded, rejected 0
2024-10-30 23:49:26 00000000 s (config) ncam.ks read lines: K:0
2024-10-30 23:49:26 00000000 s (emu) NCam-Emu version 999
2024-10-30 23:49:26 00000000 s (config) userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2024-10-30 23:49:26 00000000 s (main) signal handling initialized
2024-10-30 23:49:26 00000000 s (config) 1396 provid's loaded
2024-10-30 23:49:28 00000000 s (config) 2638 service-id's loaded in 935 ms
2024-10-30 23:49:28 00000000 s (config) WARNING: You risk high CPU load and high ECM times with more than 2000 service-id's!
2024-10-30 23:49:45 00000000 s (config) 20046 fakecws's loaded
2024-10-30 23:49:45 00000000 s (config) max 24576 fakecw compares required, on average: 77 compares
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) cs357x: initialized (fd=13, port=20083, ip=xxx.0.0.1, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) cs378x: initialized (fd=14, port=20093, ip=xxx.0.0.1, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) cs378x: initialized (fd=15, port=20094, ip=xxx.0.0.1, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=16, port=10000, ip=xxx.0.0.1, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: FFFFFF
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=17, port=10001, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0200 PROVID: FFF000, FFFF00
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=18, port=10002, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0300 PROVID: FFFFFF
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=19, port=50001, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=20, port=50002, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=21, port=50003, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=22, port=50004, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1811 PROVID: 000000, 003600, 003315, 003311
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=23, port=50005, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0500 PROVID: 000000, 032820, 032830, 030B00, 032840, 032900, 032910, 032920, 032930, 032940, 032950, 041820, 041900, 042400, 043330, 040F40
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=24, port=50011, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=25, port=50012, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1830 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=26, port=50013, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 098C PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=27, port=50014, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 098D PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=28, port=50015, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1863 PROVID: 000000, 003342, 003343
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) newcamd: initialized (fd=29, port=50016, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1883 PROVID: 000000, 003311, 003315, 003317, 003342
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=30, port=20000, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: FFFFFF
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=31, port=20001, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0200 PROVID: FFF000, FFFF00
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=32, port=20002, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0300 PROVID: FFFFFF
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=33, port=40188, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1810 PROVID: 000000, 004001, 004101
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=34, port=40189, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 004106, 004108, 005001
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=35, port=40003, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0100 PROVID: 003311, 003315, 003317
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=36, port=40004, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1811 PROVID: 000000, 003600, 003315, 003311
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=37, port=40005, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 0500 PROVID: 000000, 032820, 032830, 030B00, 032840, 032900, 032910, 032920, 032930, 032940, 032950, 041820, 041900, 042400, 043330, 040F40
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=38, port=40011, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=39, port=40012, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1830 PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=40, port=40013, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 098C PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=41, port=40014, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 098D PROVID: 000000
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=42, port=40015, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1863 PROVID: 000000, 003342, 003343
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) kscamd: initialized (fd=43, port=40016, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) -> CAID: 1883 PROVID: 000000, 003311, 003315, 003317, 003342
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=44, port=15020, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=45, port=15021, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=46, port=15022, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) csp: initialized (fd=47, port=20091, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) radegast: initialized (fd=48, port=20075, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (net) scam: initialized (fd=49, port=20074, ip=, prio=10 [ SO_PRIORITY IP_TOS ])
2024-10-30 23:49:47 00000000 s (reader) SoftCam [emu] creating thread for device /var/mca/d1
2024-10-30 23:49:47 211D27FB h (webif) webif: decompressed 212188 bytes back into 494992 bytes
2024-10-30 23:49:47 211D27FB h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8888
2024-10-30 23:49:47 098A3DB2 r (emu) Stream key delayer initialized
2024-10-30 23:49:48 00000000 (emu) INFO: FFDecsa parallel mode = 32
2024-10-30 23:49:48 00000000 s (reader)xxxxxxxx [cccam] creating thread for device xxxxxxxx x
2024-10-30 23:49:48 098A3DB2 r (emu) Stream relay server initialized
2024-10-30 23:49:48 098A3DB2 r (reader) SoftCam [emu] Reader initialized (device=/var/mca/d1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2024-10-30 23:49:48 00000000 s (main) waiting for local card init
2024-10-30 23:49:48 2C675111 p (reader) s2.cccampri.me: resolved ip=xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
2024-10-30 23:49:48 2C675111 p (reader) dns.choosewise.xyz_i2fnbp [cccam] connecting to s2.cccampri.me:11429
2024-10-30 23:49:48 2C675111 p (reader) dns.choosewise.xyz_i2fnbp [cccam] proxy initialized, server s2.cccampri.me:11429
2024-10-30 23:49:48 098A3DB2 r (reader) SoftCam [emu] card detected
2024-10-30 23:49:49 098A3DB2 r (reader) SoftCam [emu] found card system emu
2024-10-30 23:49:49 098A3DB2 r (reader) SoftCam [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max allotted of 1
2024-10-30 23:49:49 098A3DB2 r (emu) Reading key file: /var/mca/d1/SoftCam.Key
2024-10-30 23:49:50 098A3DB2 r (emu) WARNING: non-hex value in SoftCam.Key at F 1EF61C5D 00000000 СÐ43212ЕСA43212Е
2024-10-30 23:49:50 098A3DB2 r (emu) Total keys in memory: W:0 V:11 N:12 I:0 S:0 F:282 G:0 P:77 D:0 T:3 A:0
2024-10-30 23:49:50 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
2024-10-30 23:49:51 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /var/mca/d1/ncam.emmcache in 1 ms
2024-10-30 23:49:51 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /var/mca/d1/ncam.emmstat in 1 ms
2024-10-30 23:49:51 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading log initialized
Doesn’t work, s**t!!!!! :€

2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) System name = Linux
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) Host name = mca
2022-12-07 18:40:01 00000000 s (main) Release =
Where do you have the Ncam mounted?
I read something about matrix, that is an external cam, don't you have the ncam directly in the receiver?

and the M+ does not open with any line, only Germans, French, Poles and some Portuguese
So far there's no one here

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